
what i do – the ‘day job’

Current Roles:

Autism Champion‘ – H&W Integrated Care Board – NHS

Co-Chair Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum

Research Assistant – University of Gloucestershire, Autism & MH Pilot

Areas of interest:


Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Parental Blame/Fabricated & Induced Illness (falsehoods)

Mental Health

Female presentations of Autism, PMDD, BPD/EUPD

Social injustices, housing, benefits, work, isolation


Postgraduate – Masters of Science, Psychology

Graduate – Bachelor of Arts, Fine Art

Pre-Degree – Foundation Diploma, Art & Design

Business Planning – NHS,

Project Management – NHS
Autism Training: Asperger’s & Recognising and Supporting Children with SEND

What i do:

As the Herefordshire & Worcestershire ICB ‘Autism Champion’ I am a self-employed Expert by experience and academia. I am the autistic voice in the commissioning of Services that impact on the lives of autistic people. This is a unique role which encompasses my professional qualifications and my lived experience as part of an autistic family. My role is to ensure that we tackle health inequalities of autistic people and our families, head-on, with cross-sector working throughout the Integrated Care System. This includes working with ICB commissioners, NHS trusts, Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire’s Children First. I have an elevated platform to share the reality of living with and being Autistic with decision makers, i attend many meetings, deliver presentations, and coproduce services. I chair the Autism Strategy programme board, have a seat on the Learning Disabilities and Autism ICS Programme Board, and attend many more, including the Children & Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Board, SEND Partnership board.

I co-chair of the Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum, who represents the voices of parent carers and children with disabilities, to coproduce services that impact lives, and offer critical challenge to providers.

I also work closely with Healthwatch Worcestershire and NHS England. I have also worked on external projects, with ADASS, British Association of Social Workers, National Autistic Society by delivering training and presentations about my specific areas of work.

Organisations i have and continue to work with:


ADASS West Mids



H&W Health and Care Trust

Worc’s PCF


Here are several links and resources that i have worked on.

Sensory Friendly Environments in GP surgeries – Individual videos can be accessed here: Through the Autistic Lens:

Making a Difference:

The Sensory System:

Improving the Lives of Autistic People:

And also, the LeDer programme that now includes adults with an autism diagnosis